Business Q+A Subscription Group (Currently Paused/Unavailable)
Business Q+A Subscription Group (Currently Paused/Unavailable)
Have business questions? Join my Q+A group!
I’m often asked for business info or advice. So, I decided to start a subscription service where a group of subscribers can ask me free-for-all business questions each month.
By joining the group, you’ll receive info on how to submit questions. Each month, submit up to 10 questions. All group members will receive answers to everyone’s questions in mp3 audio form. That’s right, you get to hear me chatting through everyone’s questions - not just the ones you’ve asked. You’ll get answers to questions you didn’t even know you had!
I’m open to answering a wide variety of questions! You can ask me things like:
What are some of your favorite business resources?
I want to get into ______ type of business. While I’m still at my full-time job, what might be some ways I can get started and test it out?
How do you decide how to price your products and services?
I saw you were reading [insert audiobook]. Did it include helpful business advice?
How do you ship things for your business? How does that all work?
I am selling _______ but no one is buying it. Any idea why?
What do you think are the most important things to keep in mind when advertising on social media?
How did you learn how to ________?
How do you think about “competing” businesses in a helpful and not icky way?
Why do you caption your videos on your instagram story?
How do you communicate your policies to customers? What do you do when they push back?
The fine print: Monthly answers will be shared in mp3 audio form only. At this time, audio (without transcripts or written content) is the only way this material is available. When you subscribe, you agree to not share or reproduce the audio responses that are given to the group.
I am happy to answer almost anything but reserve the right to not answer questions that are too personal or requesting proprietary information. All thoughts are my own based on my education and experience which is, of course, not all-encompassing . All advice is just that - advice that you can take or leave. By subscribing to this service you agree to abide by these terms and hold me (Cat Polivoda) harmless from any actions taken through advice given here.
How does the subscription work? When you sign up, my website will prompt you to create an account. Each month, you’ll be billed $10. (The reoccurring payments will take place on the day of the month you first sign up.) You can cancel at any time. No refunds will be given.